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How to find water?

Writer: admin Time:2021-08-13 16:19 Browse:

To help find groundwater sources, some experience and techniques for determining groundwater sources based on observations of plant growth, topography, and seasonal climate changes are presented below:

1. During the summer, the ground temperature is low, and there is a certain amount of water in a place where there is not a lot of heat during the long-term drying. In particular, when the pool is blocked for a long time, the water can be discharged after digging deep;

2. Observe the surface drainage. Groundwater is near the ground where it is often wet and where drainage is slowest.

3. The surrounding area is affected by drought, and only the middle one is wet. The source of water is the place where the crop matured at the latest.

4. At the foot of the mountain, there is moisture on the ground. In the early morning, evening or winter, there is water and gas rising like fog, or the rocks are covered with moss, and where there is often water after rain, there will be water.

5. Early spring thawing, winter freezing in the evening, snow melting fast on the ground, the groundwater source is generally good.

6. In the summer morning or evening, where mosquitoes gather together, underground water may be prosperous.

7. Where autumn fog rises in the morning, the groundwater level is high.

8. After being frozen in winter, the places where the ground cracks are covered with white frost and the groundwater level is high.

9. Observe the vegetation on the sloping fields, such as early spring germination, drought does not wither, there must be near the water.

10. On the ground where the well is to be drilled, dig out some pits about two feet deep to observe groundwater conditions. The method is: (a) In the spring and autumn morning, when the sun just rises, climb from the place to the ground and look obliquely. Which pit has a large mist and the surrounding groundwater level is high. (b) A small bowl is deducted from the bowl. Every day, water droplets in the bowl are large and large. Groundwater is prosperous and water is shallow. (3) When the weather is sunny in the spring and autumn or winter season, firewood that is easy to produce smoke will be placed in the pit, and the smoke will rise straight after the point of ignition. The nearby groundwater may be good.

The above methods can be referenced when drilling wells and selecting wells. When searching for groundwater sources, they should rely on and unite with the local residents because they are familiar with the local geography, especially for abandoned wells and ancient wells. If you can ask them for help, they may supply a lot of help when finding the groundwater sources.


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